Building News - BuildingGreen,
LLC, 122 Birge Street, Suite 30, Brattleboro, VT
05301. 802-257-7300. Environmental Building News
(EBN) is a monthly newsletter featuring
comprehensive, practical information on a wide
range of topics related to sustainable
building--from energy efficiency and
recycled-content materials to land-use planning and
indoor air quality.
Meadow - PO Box 1346,
Brattleboro, VT 05302. 802-251-7250. For over 30
years, Oak Meadow has offered innovative, creative,
and independent learning materials for
homeschooling families around the world.
Supply Company (photo courtesy:
Gardeners Supply) - 128 Intervale
Rd., Burlington, VT 05401-2850. 888-833-1412.
Vermont -Linda Wooliever,
18 Worcester Village Rd., Worcester, VT.
802-223-2111. ..NOFA
Vermont (photos
courtesy: NOFA Vermont) - PO Box 697,
Richmond, VT 05477. 802-434-4122. E-mail:
info@nofavt.org. The
Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont
(NOFA-VT) is a non-profit association of consumers,
gardeners, and diversified farmers who share a
vision of local, organic agriculture. Through
education and member participation, NOFA-VT works
to strengthen agriculture in Vermont.
Farmers Market - P.O.
Box 269, Waitsfield,VT 05673. 802-472-8027 (Barbara
Conn). The Waitsfield Farmers' Market can be found
on the Mad River Green in Waitsfield, Vermont on
Saturdays from 9am to 1pm. It runs from the middle
of May to the middle of October. Raw
Vermont -Linda Wooliever,
18 Worcester Village Rd., Worcester, VT.
802-223-2111. ..Gourmet
Greens (photos courtesy:
Gourmet Greens) -198 Dodge Rd.,
Chester, VT 05143. 802-875-3820 or Toll Free:
866-616-8698. Gourmet Greens is a grower and
shipper of fresh wheatgrass and soil grown salad
greens. Since 1982 we have been supplying health
food stores, juice bars, and individuals with
Vermont certified organic fresh wheatgrass,
sunflower greens, snow pea and radish greens, and