Food Dehydrators
Food Dehydrator - We have plenty of advice on how to shop for the best fit for your kitchen. - Many dehydrators do not have an adjustable thermostat (one from a local store we tested was non-adjustable and set at 170 degrees!). The dehydrators we sell have built in thermostats so you can control the temperature from 85 degrees on up. - We are proud to carry the Excalibur Dehydrator models and the new Good4U dehydrators to make your raw food journey a huge success. - Sell the Oven/Sun Food Drying Rack. Dry Food in the Sun. Old-fashioned workmanship, hand-crafted of smoothly finished, solid oak with mitered corners. Also inexpensive and easy on the environment! Requires no energy input
©2005-2015. Updated 7-19-2011. Peter E. Firk