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The Southern Sustainable Agriculture Working Group - AL. 205-333-8504; phone and fax (call first). Regional approach to the creation of a sustainable food and farming systems. Through their programs and activities they link over 120 organizations and hundreds of individuals throughout thirteen southern states.

Grow Alabama, LLC - 2301-B Finley Blvd. - Birmingham, AL 35234 . 205-991-0042. Grow Alabama is your opportunity to have locally grown vegetables, fruits, eggs, dairy products, even fresh meats delivered to your home, office, or to a central pick-up point near you, from Alabama's family farms. One taste, and you'll find there are still farms where the fields are treated with care, not chemicals, and farmers put not pesticides, but their hopes and hearts into their land to grow food that is their pride.

Important Note: The staff at RawFoodPlanet.com are constantly up-dating the listings in each of our City & State Guides. Please contact Peter (peter@vegetarianusa.com) if you find listings that are out-of-date. We would appreciate receiving the correct address, tel # & website. 




©2005-2015 Peter E. Firk. Updated 2-16-2010.